Hitchhiker's Guide to 'One Belt, One Road'

All roads may lead to Guangzhou someday thanks to China’s ambitious land and maritime Silk Road redux that reaches as far as London and Djibouti. China's vast and complex connector initiative could trigger major shifts in the global balance of power with ripples across trade, enterprise, development, environment, and human security. We'll cover the top line intersections at our flagship monthly roundtable discussion on Monday, October 3rd.

Below is suggested reading to bring you up-to-speed:

(1) Our Bulldozers, Our Rules
China’s biggest foreign-economic policy ‘One Belt, One Road’ – which refers to ancient maritime routes and the overland trails between China and Europe (see map) – could reshape a good part of the world economy.

(2) China's Huge 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative Is Sweeping Central Asia
Beijing’s ambitious foreign-economic development initiative is redirecting capital abroad to reduce excessive industrial capacity at home while increasing financial returns.

(3) China Has a Plan to Take Over Eurasia — and America Loves It
Beijing has pledged tens of billions of dollars in investments for new roads, pipelines, power stations, rail lines, and ports to create a network of trade routes that link China to South and Central Asia, and to Europe.